PathNotes Database

This website/database has been created as a quick reference guide of pathology for clinicians. All information is reference (holding the mouse pointer over the information to produce a tag with the appropriate reference). The aim is to provide important epidemiological, clinical, and prognostic information for every diagnosis with links to the relevant pathological area provided (i.e. Histology, Haematology, Cytology, Chemistry, Molecular, Microbiology, Immunology). Additional links are provide such as Notes and Useful links. For each diagnoses, specific tests may have been linked for either Screening, Diagnoses, or Monitoring on the right handside of the page (this is currently a work in progress).

At present, this website/database is a beta release and only has select organ systems and diagnoses. The database has been created to function as a hybrid between pathological textbooks and journals (background information with the latest journal/guideline summaries) to function as a dynamic textbook/ reference guide for clinicians. My current aim is to obtain feedback from clinicians as to the information, structure and functionality so future releases can be tailored to their needs and clinical practice. As I am a general pathologists, the information presented covers broad pathological areas but in time I hope that other Pathologists will contribute to the database and provide a complete and comprehensive resource for every pathological diagnosis for clinicians that has the advantage of being easily updated.

I hope you enjoy the information and find it useful. Feedback is welcome.

Travis Brown
General Pathologist
Adelaide, South Australia

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